Keeping Community Members Facing Addictions Safe

Addiction Outreach Workers are on the frontline of this Opioid epidemic here in our community.  They are the first ones to be there to offer help when needed and are the face that some of our community first see and reach out to for assistance.

We offer liaison between the Health Centre and services that our offered, such as RAAM and our mental health and addiction counselling services.

We not only facilitate services at the Health Centre but also the support programs on and off reserve.

As outreach workers we are there for our high risk members by handing out Harm Reduction kits. In these kits we have clean injection equipment and supplies that they may need to keep themselves from contracting any blood borne diseases, sexually transmitted diseases or sharing dirty needles and other drug paraphernalia.

We offer Naloxone awareness education and we pass out Naloxone kits along with the harm reduction.

All of our services are strictly confidential.

You can get in touch with us directly by filling out the form provided below.

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We will endeavour to respond to your message in a timely manner.  You can also call us at 519-797-3336.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us here.

Miigwetch, and be well!